Books for Broncos
The “Fine Print”
Choose a Book
Browse our librarian, Ms. McMurray’s, wish list titles and choose a special book or books you’d like on the library shelves. You can purchase anytime throughout the year.
Add to our library catalog to commemorate a special occasion, birthday, holiday or just because you love the book!.
Don’t forget to dedicate the book by selecting a book plate design and specifying the name(s) to include on the special book plate.
Strike a Pose
When the book arrives at the library, The PTA will take a picture of your child and their book. The picture will be shared on the announcements so other students will know that we have a new book available in the library.
Priority Check-Out Access
Once the book is cataloged and ready to be in circulation, your child will have priority access and will get the opportunity to be the first student to check out the book.
Commemorative Bookmark
At the end of the school year, each participant will receive a bookmark with a picture of them and their book so that you can remember your donation to Bridlewood Elementary.